Thursday, October 12, 2006

Gay Arms Part Deux

Shorter and sweeter today folks...

After recently posting about wanting gay arms, seen here and here (although I'm not sure what they're doing) .I finally broke down and asked the nice personal trainer(s) to help me setup a workout routine. I got a chick, and not some stud, but there really aren't any stud trainers at my gym, except this one guy with a very nice round behind, who I think is a closet case, so oh well. We'll call my helpful gym employee "Fran". She was really nice and gave me a simple, yet effective routine. I say that now. Let's hope for the best. And no, I did not ask Fran for gay arms, but when I told her I wanted to lose weight and tone, I think she got the idea...especially when she said, 'oh this will be perfect for making you lean and helping you get slender. Actually either she knew I was a big ole 'mo or she was implying I'm a fatass. Guilty on both charges....well not really but kinda.

Later Gators!


At 11:15 AM, Blogger The Persian said...

fatass? Nah I think it's just right :)

I want to join a gym badly, only I can't find anyone to go with me. I would work better with a workout partner.

Hope you are doing well :)


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