10 Things Tuesday, Part Two
More useful (useless) Tuesday Trivia for you...
11.) I have about 100 neckties.
12.) I think Tori Amos is a musical genius.
13.) Large crowds intimidate me, because I don't feel in control of the situation.
14.) The only surgery I've ever had was to remove my wisdom teeth.
15.) For a year and a half, I had a serious relationship with a co-worker.
16.) I've only been in one major car accident, I was driving, my parents were with me, we were inches from getting seriously injured. I still feel guilty today.
17.) I'm not a big crier. I just don't cry, even at my grandmother's funeral. I still feel awful about that one too. I do cry everytime I watch "Independence Day"....when the First Lady dies and when the President gives his "we will not go quietly" speech near the end.
18.) I don't get drag or they Gay High Holy Day of Halloween.
19.) Despite my affinity for performing arts and musicals, I only saw "The Sound of Music" for the first time in April.
20.) I'm more out at work than I am to my family.
And there you go, another useless ten facts about "W".
Have a great day!
We need lots and lots and LOTS more info on #15 to decide if it is really useless trivia.
Um, regarding #17..."Independence Day"? Really, "W", how did you stay awake during that piece of shit? I fell asleep in the theater when a friend drug me to see it. I think it was the Will Smith sedative factor...
And *GASP* you don't get Halloween? Oh. Em. Gee. It's all about dressing up and pretending to be something or someone else. For one day a year you can be Batman or a cowboy or a fireman or Magnum P.I. Plus it's fun and you can get candy. Really, we need to talk.
yea I'm with Dirk, let's hear more.
and of course I'm right there with you on 12, except I would have to modify that to Lyrical genius.
Dirk: Yes, it wasn't the current job...back in my younger days. The ex and I are still very good friends to this day. We were good for each other then, because it was hard to date men in that part of Appalachia...most didn't have their teeth...others couldn't count the number of teeth they had.
Yes...I have no clue...I don't like aliens or science fiction, but I-Day is just good times.
The Persian: See above response to #15. He too could have qualified as Persian in the hair department ;-)
Of course you're right too The Persian...Tori is a LYRICAL genius...just was in a rush to get the list out this morning. I know you and I could chat for hours about favorite lyrics...depending on time, place, or both.
anon: Please don't spam me anymore.
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