Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Calling all Readers

Hey...this is a shout out to the faithful few...

Thanks for reading and being loyal and stuff.

NO I'm not quitting...although my recent post drought might be convincing otherwise.

I'm just remind you friendly folk to email away any questions...any topic...etc etc. Or else I'll be forced to makeup fake questions and people...but I'll give real answers don't worry.



At 8:04 PM, Blogger A Lewis said...

Please, you're more creative than you're giving yourself credit for.....I keep a running list of ideas as they pop into my head....and I've got a long list going. You can't be out of material.

At 8:36 PM, Blogger No Display Name said...

I will, I will...it's just that I'm still trying to think of a really good one...


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