Tuesday, October 31, 2006

10 Things Tuesday

Okies...Tuesday...10 Things...you know the drill.

51.) I can wiggle my ears and entire scalp.
52.) I prefer boxerbriefs to just boxers or briefs.
53.) I've never been water skiing or snow skiing.
54.) I have been ice skating several times, but fall down a lot.
55.) I go through food phases...I find something I like and can easily make...then eat it for a few weeks and get burned out on it.
56.) I have absolutely no real direction in my life, thinking about my future career path scares me.
57.) I get my haircut once a month (and my eyebrows shaped up...ok waxed)
58.) I've been ticketed for speeding twice, and got out of a speeding ticket twice too.
59.) I was raised Southern Baptist, but for the last month have been attending a church for GLBT folk...their message is "Everyone is welcome at God's table".
60.) I have a dozen pairs of shoes in my closet...I only wear about half...the others are old or uncomfortable.


At 8:29 AM, Blogger dirk.mancuso said...

#51...very cool. All I can wiggle is my eyes. And my ass if I am drunk enough.

#52...amen, bro-thuh.

#55...that's me to a tee.

#58...got out of speeding tickets twice, huh? Details please. Why do I hear slow saxophone music when I ponder this?

Happy Halloween!

At 4:07 AM, Blogger The Persian said...

Yikes eyebrows waxed? Mine are not only connected but thick. I think it gives me character (yea ok Gay men always seem to get on me for it, I like the unibrow)

Course I am um *cough* not in a place where hoards will see them. If I was maybe I would reconsider.



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