Monday, June 02, 2008

News Update

So last week they checked my references and I was told I was the top pick for the job! They want me to meet with one of the higher ups later this week and HOPEFULLY I'll get an interview.

In the meantime, J is getting ready to head to Europe (without me...awe), so I'll be counting down the days left at my current job and the days to when he returns (about two weeks).

As for my naked juice drinking habit...Dean and Lewis are perverts. I'm offended, because I'm so pure and innocent :-) And they both know that's a crock.



At 7:55 PM, Blogger A Lewis said...

Quite frankly, I'm even surprised that you knew how to type the words PURE or INNOCENT. They aren't, what shall we say, anything you know much about? Is that the PC way to put it? I'm very very happy for your continued success with the job!

At 11:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're the one drinking naked juice and somehow *I* am the pervert?


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