Thursday, December 07, 2006

This Just In...

I have nothing to blog about...

So we'll do a little odds and ends...

Grammy nominations out today. I was surprised that Corrine Baily Rae got multiple noms. A pleasant surprise, don't get me wrong, but I just didn't know if she got that much exposure or play time. Then again, there are a few 'new' names each year on some of the more random categories. I hope the Dixie Chicks win big to hush their critics. My girl Tori doesn't have anything new out...but check out that Best Male Pop Vocal Performance category...four young hotties (James Blunt, John Legend, John Mayer, Daniel Powter)... I wouldn't mind a 4-way tie.

Also on the horizon...a co-worker pointed me in the direction of "secondlife"...a reality game/place/thing...check it out. It's different.

Ok ok...sorry for not being more's cold...I haven't bought a gift yet...blah blah.



At 5:51 AM, Blogger No Display Name said...

Wow -I went to Wikipedia and read about that "secondlife" thing. The whole idea of the creation of what more or less amounts to an alternate, computer-generated reality is...creeping me out.

At 7:19 AM, Blogger "W" said...

MQB: It IS very creepy. Other people just running around, doing their own thing. Some parts are very adult. You can pick your clothes and physical appearance. It took me 45 minutes to get through that part, and then I accidently hit remove and I lost my pants. (sounds like me on a first date...KIDDING)

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Careful. Being pantsless in winter temps could prove dangerous. Although gives new meaning to "jack frost."

Yeah, that was bad. And tacky.

Welcome to me.

At 5:45 PM, Blogger dirk.mancuso said...

"Second Life"? That shit is toooo creepy for me.

'Sides, I've already eff-ed up my "First Life" quite nicely, thank you -- I don't need seconds.

At 1:22 PM, Blogger The Persian said...

I was turned to Second life this summer by Madge Weinstein (the poscaster) it froze and crashed my pc repeatedly so I deleted the software and haven't been back to the site.

I did love how you pick your first and last name from a list.

Maybe when I get a new pc or something.



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