Thursday, December 27, 2007

Giving the Gift of Gay

I sure hope all of your (both of you) holiday was merry and bright! I had a rather pleasant experience, despite being around some extended family members.

This year, my immediate family agreed not to exchange gifts, since we already get pretty much what we want. We ended up getting each other very small inexpensive gifts anyway.

I presented my parents with an extra special item...I finally came out to them!!! It was emotional for me...but it wasn't bad once I started talking. Dad didn't say much. Mom didn't really either...but she just said "we know, we've known, and we still love you no matter what!"

I couldn't have asked for a better response. I also told them about dating J and how happy he made me. Not wanting to push my luck...I didn't add much else.

More to come in the new of my blog more than once a week.



At 7:45 AM, Blogger The Persian said...

Congrats on coming out to your parents. They knew already, parents always do!


Happy New Year Buddy!

At 12:11 PM, Blogger A Lewis said...

I had no idea they didn't know! I'm very proud of you....and wish you well on the journey ahead with them. Believe me, it'snot over. It will continue. They'll need to be educated, welcomed, patted on the back for still lovingyou. An excellent holiday gift!

At 5:06 PM, Blogger No Display Name said...

So I go away (from blogs) for a little bit, and this is what happens...?! LOL
CONGRATS! I'm so glad that your parents were supportive of you; you are so lucky to have such kind and understanding parents! I am so happy for you! :o)

At 6:19 AM, Blogger dirk.mancuso said...

A huge hug to you on coming out (and one for your folks as well for realizing how insignificant a thing it really is in the grand scheme of things).

Here's hoping 2008 brings you all the success and happiness you deserve!

Take care, W.

- Dirk


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