Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So we have this new intern at work. A nice, over-eager person who won't shut up. Lord knows I talk all the time, but sheesh. Anyhoo, said intern won't stop talking and trying to impress. I also noticed she has tattoos...ON HER FEET!

Now I'm all about free expression, individuality, and do whatever tickles your fancy. However, YIKES! Tattoos on your feet? I'll probably draw some flack for this, but first off...why? Second, OUCH! And third, WHY? Then I realized, I was being a bit judgmental and prejudicial. The two things I hate in other people. So I got over it. But the bitch STILL talks a lot.

Oh, update on the city spokesperson job. I found out today that the starting salary is below the beans I'm making now, so even though it would be a good transition, it's definitely not a financially feasible.

On to the next job!


At 6:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you hate when the "better" job pays less so you can't afford to take it?

Yeah, me too ...

At 4:59 PM, Blogger A Lewis said...

Whew....So, I guess my tattoo is OK right where it's at. I was worried there for a moment.

At 8:46 PM, Blogger "W" said...

Kev: I know...total bummer.

Lewis: I knew I'd catch flack ;-) I have nothing against tattoos or people with them. I think the kid just rubs me the wrong way, so I'm being picky.

So tell me Lewis, where is your tattoo and what's it a tat of exactly?


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