From Thailand to Tucson...
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
I used to love that program when I was a kid. Geography was my specialty.
So the time is drawing nigh where I have to figure out some vacation time for the rest of the year. We don't have to stick to the plan, but the person in charge of time off likes a tentative schedule to make sure 20 people aren't off the same week.
I've talked about it before, but I'm seriously beginning to make plans to go visit my friend Dean in Bangkok sometime in April. I know I know, the whole John Mark Karr, the whole scary military coup, the deadly tourist bombings on New Year's Eve...probably not appealing to the average traveler...but I still want to go. To me, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Normally, I wouldn't say 'oh vacation time, I'm going to Asia." Since I won't have to pay for a hotel or lodging, it's just food, plane ticket, and incidentals. I just have to wait for my tax refund to figure out how much I actually have to spend for the trip.
Yesterday, I blogged about how a former coworker wants me to come visit and apply for a job where he works (we work for the same parent company). I'm still not sold on 115 degree weather, and I'm not a hundred percent there'd be an offer, but if I was flown out for a couple of days to interview...hehe...I couldn't turn that down.
Update: Gal Pal is back to work today. She's hoping to pass it on her own, if not it's back to the doctor in a week to have it surgically removed. Yikes!
Update: It flurried here this morning with highs in the 20's lows in the teens/single digits...hmm...maybe the wild, wild west isn't so bad after all???
Yeah, I'll bet you've got "lodging" in Tucson too. The question is which one of you will get lodged first?
And you know what they say, one night in bangkok makes a hard man humble.
heh ... bangkok.
Actually, I think Bankok could be a super trip. Eastern culture, on the whole, fascinates me.
(Just be careful -my cousin, a former missionary, spent a few days there years ago, and he said that just about everyone from hotel clerks to cab drivers tried to rip him off.)
Bangkok? I love that word.
Been all over th world, but not there. It's fun when you don't have anyplace that you absolutely have to go.
When I read this all I could think of was Naomi Watts in under THE PAINTED VEIL, traveling to the far east to fight cholera.
Tell Gal Pal that my doctor suggested driving on bumpy roads or going over railroad tracks as a way to help jar the stone loose and pass it. Weird I know, but I've had them surgically removed once and trust me...the tracks are worth a try.
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