Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Cute, Funny, and Moms Like "W" Too!

Hey all!

Great weekend for "W". I caught a ride up to the Big City with a friend from work, spent a great afternoon with J getting ready for a cookout Saturday night. I made my world famous Carmel pie, he grilled, and I even ate mayonnaise in macaroni salad and broccoli salad. (Mayo is not one of my favorite things). Speaking of favorite things, the Sound of Music was on Saturday evening, so we watched the last hour or so.

Sunday we were up early for church, and he drove me back to the Small Town after services on his way to see his mother who lives nearby.

Monday we all met for lunch before I went to work. I'd met his mom several times before, but now there's a bit more pressure. Of course I was polite and charming, and impressed them both with a tour of my office after we ate. For the icing on the cake, I treated us to one of her favorites...frozen custard!

Word from J is that she thinks I'm very attractive, but look young. J is a few years older than I am. J-Mom also told him she really likes me and thinks I'm a nice guy.


Here's to a great, shortened workweek.



At 10:04 AM, Blogger The Persian said...

I am so jealous... but very happy for you!!

Of course she thinks you are adorable chicken boy :)

At 8:15 PM, Blogger No Display Name said...

Nothing wrong with looking young :o)
Always good to get the Mom on your side, lol.

At 6:58 AM, Blogger A Lewis said...

"Attractive but look young".....ahh, you poor thing. Mayo sucks, big time. Ick. Gross. Disgusting. Haven't bought any in many, many years. I mean, why would I???

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You needed a mom to tell you that you're "young, attractive and nice?" Save mothers for big questions like "Do I really need an umbrella today?" Don't you have any mirrors at your place?


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