Happy 21st!
Last night, I had the opportunity to help celebrate the 21-st birthday of part-time co-worker. Let me tell you how old I felt.
The poor kid doesn't really drink. He kept commenting on how OLD so and so is. So and so...is 26!
I wanted to take back my blow job. Uh, shot that is. Actually I don't remember what I bought him, but I ordered a buttery nipple. One of the few times I enjoy a sweet tasting woman-part. After one shot and one martini...it was approaching midnight and my ass needed to be in bed.
I left shortly after, as birthday boy was slugging back shot number 10, still nursing his first rum and coke.
I must leave you know and go take my Geritol!
Hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Smooches and a big gay hug!
I don't wanna hear about it. I'm ancient. Quit rubbing it in.
And, unlike Kevin, I DO want to hear all about it. I'm so proud of my age and all that I've put behind me. But, what pray tell my little poodle, is a butter nipple? That sounds like one I need to try. Perhaps. And why in the world would you take back the blow job? I'd give him another.
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