Thursday, September 21, 2006

Another Night in Bangkok

This is just a quick update. I heard from Sean, he seems to be in better spirits, and tells me the attitude of the people isn't one of concern or panic. The military men out and about have yellow ribbons tied on their arms. Yellow is the King's color, so it's a sign of support for the King, but not necessarily the PM which was overthrown. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the April elections that put former PM Thaskin in power, even though he lost the election and had fewer votes. Hmm, does this sound familiar? Campaign 2000 perhaps?

Sean is back to work and things are returning to 'normal'.

Thanks again to all who said a prayer or took a moment to think of his safety. I ask you to continue doing so until this is all sorted out.

I'm not sure how this will impact my plans for a visit next Spring.


At 12:16 PM, Blogger Kevin said...

Not a problem -- glad things are ok for now.

Side note: flirting via another man's blog? That's ballsy. ;)

At 9:46 PM, Blogger "W" said...

Hey what can I say...if you're cute, witty, and charming...I'll flirt.

*bats eyes*

At 6:09 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Well, sure I'm witty and charming ... but how do you know if I'm cute? ;)

Not that I'm complaining.

*adjusts package*

At 7:24 AM, Blogger The Persian said...

Glad to hear things are back to normal with Sean. :)

Have a great weekend Mr. W. :)

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Well you either have to locate it on some OTHER website that people post pictures of themselves and chat with their friends ...

or you have to ask me to send it to you.

Keeping in mind, I'll expect the same.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger "W" said...

Oh I see...playing hard to get.

Well in that case, I left two flirty posts on your blog FYI, and messaged you on YAHOO. The ball (hehe) is in your court now ;-)


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