Thursday, September 14, 2006

Over 100 Served...

No, I'm not talking about number of anything devious, but I looked at my stat counter...and woo-hoo, I hit the big 1-0-0!

I know that's not many at all, but considering the circumstances, I'm happy to get my small yet faithful reader(s).

I shout out to my good ole pal Dirk Mancuso at least every other post or two, so check him out if you don't already. He's been wanting to blogroll me for a few weeks now, and I tell him no, because I don't have that many posts to read. I gave him the go ahead, AFTER, my other good ole pal Jim the Persian Guy already blogrolled me. Very flattering for me. Jim and Dirk both have a huge readership and are very interesting reads. Check them out!

On a side note with 100 served, I broke down and hit the McDonald's drive through after a whole week of NO fast food. I've been eating a lot of fruits and veggies and bringing my lunch to work, along with working out, as part of my new 'healthy' me. In fact, I've had a spinach salad with tomatoes, broccoli sprouts, tomatoes, and a little lite mozzarella. Hope I don't catch eColi...I saw this on the news today.

It's almost the weekend...yippee!


At 6:11 AM, Blogger Kevin said...

Hey ... no offense to Jim. It was an "in" joke with him ... I agree his pics are always worth the viewing.

But now that I'm here, mind if I take a look around your digs?

At 7:21 AM, Blogger The Persian said...

oh yea ecoli and bagged greens, it's been a big issue of late. I posted on that a while back. I had purchased a bag of salad, which looked fine inside the bag. When opened the stench was enough to make you gag.

The problem is you don't cook these things, and well if sanitary precautions aren't taken it doesn't take much to contaminate a batch. I was lucky, I could smell that it had turned, but the preservatives prevented it to be obviously bad. What would have happened if I had a cold and used heavy dressing? A girl and her mother nearly died because of this.

Congrats on the 100th!

At 9:27 AM, Blogger dirk.mancuso said...

100 posts.

**sniff sniff**

This is such a proud moment for someone who has been on board since the beginning.



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