Tuesday, November 21, 2006

We interrupt this week's ten things tuesday to bring you a very special Blossom

Yeah, I'm running out of things to list, so while I take a break and think of more factoids, I'll bring you the latest installment of "Hey Family, I'm a Big Ole 'Mo'" also knows as "W" comes out.

So last week, the Sis and I had the conversation about my true self. I could not ask for a better response or a better sister. I did ask her if Mom had ever interrogated her about my sexuality, and she said it came up a few years ago.

In fact, this was Sis's response: "And I talked to mom this weekend, but didn't tell her anything. She is figuring it out because she said something like, I wonder who it is he is going to see, and if its a girl or guy. And she said, I don't ask, I will just let him tell me. So. I think she suspects it. And she kinda tried to get me to say if I had talked to you lately blah blah blah, but I just said yeah a little here and there, because I didn't want to say anything before you did. Mom and I talked about it, just guessing about it, a long, long time, 3 or 4 years ago. So I think there has always been the thought in the back of our minds. Whenever you tell them, I think they will be disappointed and a little shocked, but they are not going to disown you. You know that? They won't. They will love you all the same. And they will deal. "

Ok...my next email is a forward from Mom. Telling me to boycott Walmart and Sam's Club this weekend because they support the gay and lesbian agenda. (Ok, I'm not sure what the agenda is, I missed it at last week's meeting.) I had to bite my lip and curl my fingers to NOT fire off a response. I think I'll bring it up this weekend when I'm home visiting and perhaps use that as an entryway into mentioning I'm gay.

Time to go pay bills before work.



At 10:47 AM, Blogger dirk.mancuso said...

Forget the gay and lesbian agenda...boycott Wal-Mart because they treat their employees like shit.

Oh, yeah...and because they had THE DaVINCI CODE in their holiday flyer and that totally will corrupt the minds of any non-Christians out there who don't realize that our Lord and Savior died for our sins.

They are just all kinds of evil.

As for your mom, obviously I don't know her but my mom was all "I'd disown any kid of mine who told me he was a fag" and yet when I told her, she said "I guess we'll deal with it." Maybe your mom forwarded that to you to see if it would trigger a confession. Or not.

Don't be so quick to read more into it. Talk to her one on one at Thanksgiving and see if she tries to give you an "out" to tell her.

Have a safe trip, a terrific Thanksgiving, and remember I'm always here if you need an ear to bend.

Big hug,


At 12:07 PM, Blogger The Persian said...

She really said boycott Walmart because it supports the "gay agenda"? (I am also clueless as to what that is exactly)

"I wonder who it is he is going to see, and if its a girl or guy."

that's definitely a sign she has an idea!


At 12:26 PM, Blogger dirk.mancuso said...

Oh, and to clarify...the DaVINCI CODE rant was in an e-mail I received about Wal-mart. I frankly couldn't care less what anyone sells.

I'm all open minded and shit like that.

At 1:46 PM, Blogger No Display Name said...

Lol, y'all have an agenda? Oh, do they mean that plan where all the gays and lesbians band together to enforce the mandatory wearing of stylish clothing in complimentary colours, replace the national anthem with "Over the Rainbow," and outlaw heterosexual marriage?
Oh, puh-leeze!
Personally, I think you should boycott Wal-Mart and Sam's Club simply because they sell cheap, shoddy products, as well as ugly clothing. And because they're trying to take over third-world countries. Oh, and because they're always looking for new ways to stick it to their employees.

At 7:34 AM, Blogger "W" said...

Dirk: Thanks for the input and insight. I'd normally boycott WalMart just to avoid the toothless rednecks, but the groceries are MUCH cheaper than any of the other stores in town. Yeah, I should support them instead, but I don't.

Plus, they can now say Merry Christmas again, so people who boycott Walmart are UNCHRISTIAN for not supporting a place that is putting the Christ back in Christmas.

Persian Guy: Mom didn't say boycott because of the gay agenda, but she sent a forward from one of those crazy American Family Association groups (not focus on your family)...again she may have been testing the waters with it...I dunno.

MQB: Yes dearie, we want to do all that and more. So watch your back because we're all out to get Lover, since he's such a hunk of a wonderful man. Nah...We may look and stare and drool, but he's all yours sweetie. And dittoX2 on all the stuff you said about Walmart. No offense to anyone who may work there ;-)


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